When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer


1. Personal Injury Attorneys Know The Value Of Your Case.

The first thing that should cross your mind when you are answering the ultimate question above is what exactly is the value of my case? Most people first think about making a claim to repair the damage to their car (i.e. property damage), they do not immediately think about filing a claim against the other driver for personal injuries. A property damage claim is fairly easy to handle because you typically only need estimates for repair.

This is why I do not handle property damage claims. Your personal injury claim, however, is much more complex. There are several different types of damages you may be entitled to. The insurance company’s goal is to pay as little as possible, they are never going to give you a fair number as their first offer. And how do you know when the offer is fair? Personal injury attorneys know the value range of your case based on experience and handling 100’s of these types of cases and constantly monitoring verdict reports.


For instance, the following is just the tip of the iceberg on things affecting the value of your case: amount of damage to your car; jury pool where the case will be filed; delays in seeking medical treatment; types of medical treatment; pre-existing injuries; prior/subsequent accidents; your age; and the types of injuries you suffered.
