Gain Size And Strength For Muscular Legs In 4 Weeks


Here we have the 4-week leg programme! This is because a much as you like the look of muscle mass at the top, you have to train legs! This isn’t just for proportion, but for posture and equal strength. Real leg training isn’t fun, but, the benefits are endless!

To help, here’s a 4-week leg specialisation program that will get your quads and all other leg muscles, begging for more! We have listed some key factors to why leg training is imperative:

The movements used in leg training elicit a significant anabolic response that affects the whole body.
Sport or everyday life benefit from added strength and expression of power from the glutes, hamstrings and quads.


The key to success in any specialisation phase is reducing volume in all your other lifts and focusing on the task at hand.

In any case, if you want to be successful in this program you’re going to have to reduce the other training (there will still be a one-day per-week upper body maintenance workout) and focus on adding volume to your legs.
The Workout:

You’ll train four days per week. Three of those will be “leg” days, with the fourth being a maintenance day for upper body lifts.

Ideally your week will be set up with Monday, Thursday, and Saturday being the lower body days, Tuesday as your maintenance day, and Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday as off days. Of course, you can always move things around to suit your needs, but try not to schedule leg workouts on back-to-back days.

We’ll be using one of my favourite forms of periodisation for hypertrophy, which is weekly undulating, meaning the sets and reps will change from week to week.

Try your best to complete all the reps prescribed while having one or two reps left in the tank. This will ensure you don’t go to failure and burn out your CNS, a real concern when training the lower body this frequently.

Related article: Legs And Shoulder Exercises To Avoid And Exchange For More Beneficial Movements
Week 1:
Workout A – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Barbell Back Squat * 4 8-10
B1 Walking Lunge * 3 8-10
B2 Lying Hamstring Curl * 3 8-10
C1 Pull-Through 3 8-10
C2 Standing Single-Leg Calf Raise 3 8-10
Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, place the ball of your right foot on a low step with your unsupported left foot behind you. Your left hand should hold the side of a squat rack for support. Perform all sets of calf raises for the right side before switching and repeating on the left.
D Two Minute Leg Press 1 2 min.
Set up a leg press machine with 70% of the weight you’d use for 10 reps. Set a timer for two minutes and try to bang out as many reps as possible in that

amount of time. Try not to stop for rest and avoid completely locking out at the top, keeping tension on your legs the entire time.

* Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the amount of reps with the new weight. So if you performed 10 reps with 225 pounds on the last set of back squats, drop the weight to 180 pounds and try to get up to 10 reps.

Workout B – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Sumo Deadlift * 4 8-10
B1 Dumbbell Split Squat * 3 8-10
B2 Hip Thruster * 3 8-10
C1 Leg Extension 3 8-10
C2 Hanging Knee Raise 3 8-10
D 20-Rep Squat 1 20
Using your 10RM, perform 20 reps of the squat. Given that the reps exceed the weight you can handle for one set, you’ll have to take significant pauses in-between reps towards the end of the set. Use caution with this technique. If you can’t maintain solid form, end the set and try to beat that number of reps.

* Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the amount of reps with the new weight. So if you performed 10 reps with 225 pounds on the last set of sumo deadlifts, drop the weight to 180 pounds and try to get to 10 reps.

Related article: Build Muscle And Blast Fat With This Push Pull Legs Workout Plan
Workout C – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Front Squat * 4 8-10
B1 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift * 3 8-10
B2 Dumbbell Step-Up * 3 8-10
C1 Glute-Ham Raise 3 8-10
C2 Seated Calf Raise 3 8-10
D Farmer’s Walk Medley 3 50 yds
Grab as heavy a set of dumbbells that you can Farmer’s Walk for 50 yards.

Once you complete the 50 yards, grab a second set of dumbbells that are 25% lighter and walk 50 yards.

Finally grab a third set of dumbbells that are 25% lighter than the second pair and walk 50 yards.

For example,a pair of 100’s,

75’s, and 60’s. Once you’ve walked with all three sets of dumbbells, the exercise is over.

* Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the amount of reps with the new weight. So if you performed 10 reps with 185 pounds on the last set of front squats, drop the weight to 125 pounds and try to get to 10 reps.

Workout D – Upper Body:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up * 4 8-10
B1 Incline Barbell Bench Press * 3 8-10
B2 Single-Arm Dumbbell Row * 3 8-10
C1 Seated Overhead Press 3 8-10
C2 Seated Cable Row 3 8-10
D Pallof Press 2 10

* Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the number of reps with the new weight.

Related article: The Ultimate 100 Squat Reps in 10 Minutes Legs Day Challenge
Week 2:
Workout A – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Barbell Back Squat * 5 6-8
B1 Walking Lunge * 4 6-8
B2 Lying Hamstring Curl * 4 6-8
C1 Pull-Through 4 6-8
C2 Standing Single-Leg Calf Raise 4 6-8
D Two Minute Leg Press 1 2 min.

* Double Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50% and try to match the number of reps with the new weight. Once completed, rest for another 15 seconds, drop the weight by an additional 15-30%, and then get as many reps as possible, making sure you maintain proper form.

Workout B – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Sumo Deadlift * 5 6-8
B1 Dumbbell Split Squat * 4 6-8
B2 Hip Thruster * 4 6-8
C1 Leg Extension 4 6-8
C2 Hanging Knee Raise 4 6-8
D 20 Rep Squat 1 20

* Double Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the number of reps with the new weight. Once completed, rest for another 15 seconds, drop the weight by an additional 15-30%, and then get as many reps as possible, making sure you maintain proper form.
Workout C – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Front Squat * 5 6-8
B1 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift * 4 6-8
B2 Dumbbell Step-Up * 4 6-8
C1 Glute-Ham Raise 4 6-8
C2 Seated Calf Raise 4 6-8
D Sprints 3 150y/100y/75y
Perform 3 sets of sprints: 150 yards, 100 yards and 75 yards, resting as much/as little as possible between sprints.

* Double Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the number of reps with the new weight. Once completed, rest for another 15 seconds, drop the weight by an additional 15-30%, and then get as many reps as possible, making sure you maintain proper form.

Workout D – Upper Body:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up * 5 6-8
B1 Incline Barbell Bench Press * 4 6-8
B2 Single-Arm Dumbbell Row * 4 6-8
C1 Seated Overhead Press 4 6-8
C2 Seated Cable Row 4 6-8
D Barbell Rollout 3 8

* Double Drop Set. After you complete the last rep of the last set, rest for 15 seconds, reduce the load by 30-50%, and try to match the number of reps with the new weight. Once completed, rest for another 15 seconds, drop the weight by an additional 15-30%, and then get as many reps as possible, making sure you maintain proper form. If needed, use a lat pull-down machine to complete the double drop set of chin-ups.

Related article: The Top 9 Best Thigh And Calf Exercises Ever Devised In One Workout
Week 3:
Workout A – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Barbell Back Squat * 4 10-12
B1 Walking Lunge * 4 10-12
B2 Lying Hamstring Curl * 4 10-12
C1 Pull-Through 3 10-12
C2 Standing Single-Leg Calf Raise 3 10-12
D Two Minute Leg Press 1 2 min.

* Rest-Pause. After the last rep of your last set, rest for 10-15 seconds and then attempt 2-3 more reps. Rest another 10-15 seconds and try another 1-2 reps.

Related article: Back To Back Dumbbell Exercises To Build Full Body Strength And Burn Fat
Workout B – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Sumo Deadlift * 4 10-12
B1 Dumbbell Split Squat * 4 10-12
B2 Hip Thruster * 4 10-12
C1 Leg Extension 3 10-12
C2 Hanging Knee Raise 3 10-12
D 20-Rep Squat 1 20

* Rest-Pause. After the last rep of your last set, rest for 10-15 seconds and then attempt 2-3 more reps. Rest another 10-15 seconds and try another 1-2 reps.

Workout C – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Front Squat * 4 10-12
B1 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift * 4 10-12
B2 Dumbbell Step-Up * 4 10-12
C1 Glute-Ham Raise 3 10-12
C2 Seated Calf Raise 3 10-12
D Farmer’s Walk Medley 3 50 yards
Try to use heavier weights than in week one.

* Rest-Pause. After the last rep of your last set, rest for 10-15 seconds and then attempt 2-3 more reps. Rest another 10-15 seconds and try another 1-2 reps.
Workout D – Upper Body:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up * 4 10-12
B1 Incline Barbell Bench Press * 4 10-12
B2 Single-Arm Dumbbell Row * 4 10-12
C1 Seated Overhead Press 3 10-12
C2 Seated Cable Row 3 10-12
D Reverse Crunch 3 12

* Rest-Pause. After the last rep of your last set, rest for 10-15 seconds and then attempt 2-3 more reps. Rest another 10-15 seconds and try another 1-2 reps.

Week 4:
Workout A – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Barbell Back Squat 2 15
B1 Walking Lunge 2 15
B2 Lying Hamstring Curl 2 15
C1 Pull-Through 2 15
C2 Standing Single-Leg Calf Raise 2 15
D Two Minute Leg Press 1 2 min.
Workout B – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Sumo Deadlift 2 15
B1 Dumbbell Split Squat 2 15
B2 Hip Thruster 2 15
C1 Leg Extension 2 15
C2 Hanging Knee Raise 2 15
D 20-Rep Squat 1 20

Related article: How Can I Combat Stiffness In My Legs? This Yoga Workout Combats This Problem
Workout C – Legs:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Front Squat 2 15
B1 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 2 15
B2 Dumbbell Step-Up 2 15
C1 Glute-Ham Raise 2 15
C2 Seated Calf Raise 2 15
D Sprints 3 100y
Workout D – Upper Body:
Exercise Sets Reps
A Chin-Up 4 15
B1 Incline Barbell Bench Press 2 15
B2 Single-Arm Dumbbell Row 2 15
C1 Seated Overhead Press 2 15
C2 Seated Cable Row 2 15
D Kneeling Cable Crunch 2 15

Tempo, rest, and time-under-tension are all things that should be paid attention to during a hypertrophy phase. Make sure the eccentric (lowering) phase of all movements is done with control and always try to perform the concentric (lifting) as quickly as possible.
Rest periods can be a bit longer for the compound “A” lifts (75 to 90 seconds) and between 45 and 75 seconds for the remainder of the program. While complete recovery between sets is great for a strength training program.
Your sets should last between 40 and 60 seconds (“D” finishers not included).
For the Two Minute Leg Press, you should try to increase the number of reps you can accomplish from week to week, so keep track.
