Mastering The Wide-Grip Lat Pull-Down: Guide, Form, Flaws, Set Up & Execution


Exercise Instructions


1. Stand in front of a lat pull down apparatus and grasp the bar using an overhand grip at least one foot wider than your shoulders on each side.

2. Sit down with your feet firmly planted on the floor with your body straight and thighs secured underneath the thigh pads.


3. Slightly arched your torso. Keep your body straight and rigid throughout the whole movement.

4. Hold the bar overhead with your arms at full extension.

5. In a controlled fashion, pull the bar down in front of your head until you gently touch the upper chest area. Pause.

6. Slowly bring the bar back to the starting position until your arms are straight.



The lat machine pulldown is a great exercise for the upper back. Although the entire back region is exercised, the primary area targeted is the upper and outer back. Secondary muscles are the shoulders (front and rear) and biceps.

The lat machine pulldown can be classified as a compound movement because it hits the entire back region as well as the shoulders and biceps.

This exercise is great for building upper back thickness and width.

For those of you who can’t perform the wide grip chin up, this is the perfect substitute because it is basically the same movement.
