If You Want A Six Pack Fast Then These 3 Exercises Are Great To Give You Just That


2. Mountain Climbers:

Try to do mountain climbers as fast as you can without compromising on technique. It is a high-intensity exercise, after all. You’ll see that even 30 seconds of mountain climbers can be very tiring.

Muscles worked: abs, obliques, quads, hamstrings, delts, biceps, triceps

Sets/Reps: Do 3 sets of 30 seconds


How to:

  • You start off in the standard push up position.
  • To perform a mountain climber, pull your knees up to your chest, one at a time, in quick succession.
  • You want to keep your body in a push up position all the way through the exercise, so don’t bob your hips up and down as you’re tucking your legs in.