How to Check Your T-Levels at Home


Testosterone is a very important part of any man’s life, regardless of whether he’s aware of it or not. This hormone controls many aspects of ‘manliness’, such as growth of the p*nis and testes, growth of facial, pubic and body hair, deepening of the voice and building muscles and strong bones. In addition, cells in the brain have testosterone receptors that significantly affect mental health, so men with low testosterone are more prone to mood swings, depression and mental fatigue.

We can assume that by know you know almost all of the symptoms of low T from listening to all the commercials and reading online articles – erectile dysfunction, low energy, obesity and inability to build muscle are some of the most infamous symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men. And we’re sure that whenever this topic is brought up you start checking yourself for the presence of any of those. And the only sure way to know if your testosterone levels are really lower than they should be is by visiting a physician and doing a blood test.

But if you’re like most men, you probably hate the idea of going to the doctor for testosterone testing, which is why you should read this article to learn how you can test your testosterone at home.


Let’s be real – going to the doctor means sitting in waiting rooms for a long time and having uncomfortable conversations and it is generally off-putting so most guys never bother to get their testosterone levels checked. But what if you could get your T-levels checked at home?

Of course, it won’t be as accurate as the results of a blood test, but it’s an important and useful thing to do if you’re suspecting that your T might be lower than you want it to be and it will give you a pretty close idea as to where you stand. In most cases, you can get a fairly real estimate of your testosterone production by simply monitoring a few things we’re about to explain in the text below.

#1. Being Overweight

Body fat percentage has a lot to do with T-levels. So take a close look in the mirror and try to estimate your body fat percentage. The more fat you carry, the more aromatase enzyme your body produces. The aromatase enzyme is responsible for converting your precious testosterone into estrogen, which is one of the major reasons why overweight men tend to have really low levels of testosterone.

So the first risk factor for low T-levels is being overweight – if you admit to holding on to a lot of body fat, there is a big chance that your testosterone production is less than optimal.

#2. T*sticle Size

The size of your balls is another key indicator that can tell you how much testosterone you’re producing. A small percentage of testosterone is made in the adrenal glands, but around 95% of it is made in your t*sticles, so it’s only logical that their size and shape can give out important clues about your T-levels.

In fact, your balls would shrivel up and die without testosterone, so if your balls are small and atrophied most of the time, your testosterone production is likely to be low. And vice versa – if they feel big and full more often than not, you probably have high testosterone levels and sperm production. A set of t*sticles with a high output of testosterone will always be big in size.

#3. Erection Quality and Frequency

As you can assume, boners are driven by testosterone, and this also includes morning erections. How often do you experience weak erections or erectile dysfunction?

If you T-levels are low, you will probably experience frequent bouts of erectile dysfunction and/or will rarely experience morning erections. If you get no morning erections at all, you might also have low nitric oxide levels, so determining the frequency and quality of your erections is crucial for discovering if your T-levels are suboptimal.

#4. Type of Training

If you frequently lift heavy weights and perform high intensity cardio, your T-levels are likely to be high.

However, if you’re more into endurance training, your testosterone production could be low.  In other words, the more physically demanding your workout is, the more testosterone you produce. So even if you’re not sure whether your T-levels meet the mark, you could increase them even further by making sure to lift heavy weights more often.

#5. The Stinkiness of Your Sweat

How bad your sweat smells is also a strong indicator of your T-levels, believe it or not. Once you hit puberty, your apocrine glands will start making apocrine sweat, which carries a strong, unpleasant scent and is actually a sign of healthy testosterone production.

You’ve surely noticed that when young kids sweat, it doesn’t smell nearly as bad as the sweat produced by teenagers or grown adults. So next time you’re really sweaty, take a sniff. If your sweat is pretty much scentless, this could be an important sign of inadequate testosterone production, and if your sweat has a bitter and strong scent, your t*sticles are probably doing a great job.

#6. Age

It’s natural to experience a decline in testosterone levels once you hit age 30. Of course, this decline will be slow and steady, but by the age of 50, your T-levels are supposed to be way lower than they were in your 20s.

The main reasons for this, however, can be found not so much in biology as in our modern sedentary lifestyle – as we age, we tend to be less and less physically active and spend more time sitting on a couch or working at a desk. That’s why older men can benefit greatly from weightlifting – besides keeping you in great shape, lifting can make sure that your testosterone levels don’t take a nosedive.

#7. Diet

Do you make sure to eat as many clean, natural foods as possible or you’re addicted to junk food like the majority of the population? This distinction becomes very important when discussing testosterone levels as well.

Men who eat organic foods and make sure to meet their daily requirements of healthy fats and protein tend to have higher T-levels than men who eat a vegan diet, consume low-fat low-calorie meals or consume too much processed foods. In a similar way, making a few adjustments to your diet, such as increasing your intake of zinc, vitamin D and healthy fats and eliminating sugar and trans fats can help you balance your testosterone levels naturally. Don’t forget that you are what you eat.

If it turns out that your T-levels are lower than expected, don’t worry. There are plenty of natural ways to boost your testosterone production, mainly through increasing physical activity and shedding the extra pounds, but there are also some great testosterone-enhancing supplements on the market which will give your body that extra push.

All you have to do is put your mind to it, so you might as well start today!
