4 Exercises for Boosting Your Triceps Strength And Your Bench Press


The importance of triceps in sculpting out a perfect physique is undeniable. Together with the biceps they create the bulk of your arm, and are crucial for your strength when performing the presses. The weakest point in bench press moves is usually a few inches off your chest. At this point, having strong triceps makes the difference between making the rep or braking it. In this article we offer you four exercises that improve the strength of your triceps, creating a way more efficient bench press.

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press


Although it seems like this exercise has lost on its popularity it’s one of the best triceps builder you can think of. Lie down on the bench, placing your hands on the bar somewhat narrower than shoulder-width. Avoid placing them side by side and touching each other. Lift the bar and start lowering it down to your chest.


Focus on your elbows. You should keep them pointed straight ahead, Slowly extend the arms and lift the bar. Then slowly lower the bar until it barely touches your chest. Press up the bar with your elbows still pointing straight ahead. Make sure that you do the lifting part explosively.

This exercise also works the delts and chest making it a perfect exercise for increasing your regular bench press.

Floor Press


Start by laying down on the ground with slight bend in your knees. This exercise is better performed with a partner, but if you’re doing it alone make sure to position your head so that you are looking directly at the bar above. Grip the bar with your hands positioned a little wider than shoulder width.

Unrack the bar by locking out your elbows and start lowering it down towards your chest. Keep your forearms vertical and slowly lower the elbows until they make a contact with the floor. Once you reach this position, drive the bar up.

The key to this exercise is performing it in a slow and controlled manner on the negative portion, and exploding back up. As the range of motion is much shorter and your triceps are almost fully extended, you can increase the load you are moving in this exercise. Performing it will greatly improve the bench press lockout.

Board Bench Press


Another fantastic way of building your triceps is doing the board bench press. Note that this exercise should always be performed with a partner, preferably two. One to support the weight and the other to hold the boards.

Lay down on the bench and place several thick wooden boards on your chest. Start lowering the bar towards your chest until you reach the boards. The boards will limit the downward movement and stop the bar just above the chest. Press the bar up with an explosive movement to the starting position.

Add Resistance with Bands and Chains

You can increase the resistance of the bar in the upward movement from your chest by using rubber bands or wrapped chains. While the bands are usually connected with the bench or to the floor, the chains are hang down from the bar. Still, both serve the same purpose: They increase the resistance during the last part of the movement and make your triceps stronger.
