6 Exercises For An Insane Shredded Six-Pack: Part 2


Here we bring to you part 2 of how to get your abs ripped! Where do most people go wrong in their pursuit of washboard abs? They keep doing the same exercises, and this lack of variety and progression means they make no progress.

If you are following on from part 1, then you will understand why you need a variety, as training can become mundane! If you are new to this article, then great! You will be shown great exercises that will give you that ripped stomach, plus it won’t be boring!

Remember, focus on great form and really engaging the muscles, and you’ll get the results you want faster.


Workout 2: This core circuit will work your deep-lying stabilising muscles, this will improve how your abs look and perform, improving your posture. Do this circuit once a week after a main workout.

1. Plank saw

Plank saw sixpackHow to: 

  • Get into position, supporting yourself on your forearms.
  • Engage your abs, then raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  • Hold this position, then move your body forwards so your head goes past your hands, then pull back.

Sets: 3 Time: 30sec Rest: 10sec


2. Rolling plank

Rolling planks benefit your core back sides and posture using bodyweightHow to:

  • Get into position, supporting yourself on your forearms.
  • Engage your abs, then raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  • Hold this position, then roll one hip downwards, then rotate your hips up and over to the other side.

Time: 30sec Rest: 10sec

3. Plank shoulder tap

Plank shoulder tap sixpackHow to:

  • Start in the top press-up position but with your feet slighter wider apart.
  • Keep your abs and glutes engaged to hold this position, then lift one hand off the floor and tap your opposite shoulder.
  • Return it and repeat with your other hand, then keep repeating.

Time: 30sec Rest: 60sec


4. Plank toe tap

Plank toe tap sixpack

How to:

  • Get into the plank position and keep your abs and glutes engaged to hold this position.
  • Lift one foot off the floor and move it to the side.
  • Tap the floor with your toes, then return to the start.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Continue, alternating toe taps.

Sets: 3 Time: 30sec Rest: 10sec

5. Plank jack

Plank jack sixpackHow to:

  • From the plank position, engage your abs.
  • Without letting your hips sag, jump both feet out to the sides, then back in.
  • Continue repeating this movement.

Time: 30sec Rest: 10sec


6. Side plank

Side plank sixpackHow to:

  • Lie on one side, supporting your upper body on that forearm.
  • Engage your abs, then raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line.
  • From there, raise your top arm and hold this position.
  • Swap sides halfway through.

Time: 30sec Rest: 60sec
